I recently was broken up with by my boyfriend of over 2 years. We had a pretty rough relationship. It was pretty emotionally abusive and I went from being a happy-go-lucky person to miserable just like my ex. We've been going in a back-and-forth seeing eachother stage. We hang out sun-thurs but then on the weekends he's out messing around with other girls. He tells me he loves me and doesn't want to stop talking because I'm his best friend he just needs to be on his own for now (we dated freshman-junior year in college). He will have some moments that make me the happiest girl in the world and that's what keeps me hanging on. My problem is I'm a wreck. I spend the majority of my nights sobbing in bed because I hear he's out with these girls. I'm a very attractive and successful girl who treated him absolutely amazing. I'm completely miserable. I don't have any motivation to sleep, eat, get out of bed in the morning. I seriously don't know how to go on without him...the thought of it tears me apart. I am a complete mess and I don't know how to fix it. Help...Coping with emotional abuse and a break up?
I'm in a similar situation, I was recently broken up with by my boyfriend of 2 years. So I know how bad it feels. Even worse, he was not emotionally abusive or spending weekends away from me - so it's hard! You know he's no good and there's clear evidence there the relationship wasn't working. Why are you denying it? The good moments were not enough for you to put up with the bad stuff - don't tell yourself it was worth it.
You even recognise you used to be happy and then became miserable like him! you know this, you can change it!
seems to me like you know the truth but are just hurt and too scared to move on. But you can...
I find it hard to do stuff and I lost weight after the break up, but I forced mnyself into my usual activities and that really helped. Just make yourself get up. Make morning arrangements so you have to. Like arrange to meet a friend for coffee before class so you have to get up and go to coffee and class. Then just carry on one day at a time...I know it's hard, but you can't let him ruin your life!
You'll be fine without him.Coping with emotional abuse and a break up?
You deserve better.
Realize that.
I recently left an emotionally abusive relationship, however, I feel RELIEVED. I will never repeat the same mistake.
It's not worth being with someone who does not appreciate you at all.
Aahahah burn! your lover doesn't love u anymore, and its all your fault You should have put out more and nagged less
I was in same relationship 7 years. I just got out of it after a bad fight turned physical. I was addicted to him, and for 2 weeks was going through withdrawls. After that I got right back out there, got in touch with the best friends I left behind when I started dating him. Now I'm in a relatioship and in love like I never thought could happen again. You need to believe me and know it's possible to meet love again, and learn from your last one. And it doesn't have to take months or years to get over him. Do what he's doing, go out with other poeple. Sitting home in your own misery, is like rolling around in your own ****. You are able to love and that's a gift that is going to make someone very happy. You know your beautiful, you sound like your beautiful on the inside too, And if your not ready to get back out there, I wasn't either, but made myself, and it's not easy at the beginning but gets easier the more you get out and you get your confidence back, which that loser took from you, then focus on yourself by treating yourself to positive things such as the gym, If you have family lean on them for support, they probably didn't want you with him to begin with. Just nourish yourself in any way that makes you feel good, and cry cry cry, but don't sit and lay there in misery. Your a beautiful person and I know exactly what your going through. But I know you'll meet someone new, maybe not the first one, because usually it's going to be your bridge, or rebound guy to meeting other people but I met my new love after my first relationship since the loser I dated. So it can happen fast. I wish you all the love you deserve and just know your not alone.
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